Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?

BIE Simplified
Did you know in some cases, "healthy" foods can actually harm the body?
Did you know you can essentially become dehydrated although you're drinking plenty of water?
We're all aware of the body's "hardware" (muscle, bones, organs, etc.), but did you know there's a virtual "software" of the body?
When helping individuals with various health disorders, most practitioners work solely with the body's hardware and overlook the vital importance of working with the body's software.
Do you ever wonder why taking supplements can be effective for some people and ineffective for others, or why some people won't heal even though they're doing "everything right"?
Vital life force energy (Bio-energy) fills every cell within the human body. Energy controls every metabolic process, including biochemical changes that occur within the cells. It controls the utilization of nutritional substances, the functioning of all body systems including the immune system. This vital life force energy is referred to as the "software" of the body.
BIE is a natural, effective method that assists the body's software, allowing it to recognize the "culprit" that's causing their health disorder. Using our non-invasive patented modality, energy is directed onto specific points on the body, while reintroducing the culprit's vibrational frequency. Once the body's able to recognize the stressing frequency, it will then return to a balanced state of health, thereby, alleviating suffering. Similarly, "resetting" or "rebooting" a computer clears energy blocks that cause the computer to slow down or even freeze, allowing it to return to proper function.
We predicate that during periods of stress, be it physical or mental stress, this increases the cell’s state of vulnerability to discordant frequencies. For example, electro magnetic fields such as mobile phones, microwaves, computers, household wiring etc., can enter cells through the Integral membrane proteins in the cell membrane and store in the cytoplasm, altering the cell’s homeostasis. Cells are most vulnerable during periods of stress: the greater the stress, the greater the incidence of acquiring illness. By altering discordant frequencies within cells, the body is more capable of adapting to the homeostatic state of the altered cells.
Let’s take for example, an individual undergoing a state of stress, during a mobile phone call, while eating an apple. In a normal situation, after the apple has been digested and then assimilated, the energy of the apple would be perceived as “apple”, and further utilized by the body. However, during the stressful state, the discordant mobile phone frequency can alter the integral membrane proteins, therefore altering the cell’s perception of the apple’s frequency. This would ultimately result in a rejection of the apple itself – consequently, homeostatic imbalance is born.
Every disease state and pathogen has its associated harmonic and disharmonic frequencies. Generally speaking, harmonic frequencies maintain health; promote growth and healing, while disharmonic frequencies produce illness and death.
New research introduces a radical understanding of cell science. New biology concepts reveal that human beings control their genome rather than being controlled by it. It is now recognized that environmental frequencies and more specifically, our perception or interpretation of the environment, directly controls the activity of our genes. This new paradigm of “bio-electrical interaction” has given us a better understanding of how the human body uses energy to heal itself and regulate its activities. It has also enabled science to reevaluate previously discarded medical therapies and to explore new ones based on this interaction.
During the 1990s, three Nobel prize winners in medicine advanced research revealed the primary function of DNA lies not in protein synthesis, as widely believed, but in electromagnetic energy reception and transmission. Less than three percent of DNA’s function is in protein formulation; more than ninety percent functions in the realm of bioelectric signalling. One might say that electromagnetism is fundamentally responsible for all life, and everything in the physical universe. It is also within the force or energy – that gives rise to all matter.
Disclaimer: BIE practicioners are not medical doctors and do not use medical diagnostic or treatment procedures.
The services performed by BIE practitioners are at all times restricted to consultation on the subject of nutritional matters or homeostatic imbalances, and does not involve diagnosing, curing, prognosticating, treatment or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of disease or any act, which will constitute the practice of medicine in this country in which a license is required.
All suggestions (if any) regarding herbs or nutritional matters are based on historical and traditional use.
The best and most efficient healing modality is within your own body.
What is BIE?
Let us tell you a little bit more about BioEnergetics (BIE)...
1BIE & Stress
3BIE Theory
4Electromagnetic Signature
5GSR-120C BIE Unit
7For Example

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 90% of all illness is directly related to stress

You may have experienced some of the following stressor-related symptoms yourself:
- Allergies
- Arthritis or gout
- Headaches or migraines
- Digestive disorders
- Memory loss
- Fatigue
- Hemorrhoids
- Hormonal imbalances
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Acne or rash
- Learning disabilities
- Nightly urination
- Restless sleep or insomnia
- Bad breath or body ordour
- Phobias or anxiety
- Depression or moods
- Weight gain

During periods of stress, be it physical or emotional, the cell’s state of vulnerability to discordant frequencies increases

Electro magnetic fields such as mobile phones, microwaves, Wifi, computers, household wiring etc., can enter cells through the cell membrane and build up internally, thereby, altering the cell’s balance.

We predicate that once the body has undergone a period of stress, it will tend to block any thing that it was exposed to during that time in order to avoid any exposure of it in the future.
Cells are most vulnerable during periods of stress: the greater the stress, the greater the incidence of acquiring illness.

For example: An individual undergoing a state of stress, during a mobile phone call, while eating an apple…

Every substance in the universe vibrates with its own unique vibrational frequency referred to as an electromagnetic fingerprint or “signature”. When exposed to a specific substance, the body will either recognize its signature or it won’t.

Why do some people react negatively to some substances and others don’t? Why is it that person “A” has a problem with grasses, and person “B” doesn’t? It’s simply a case of person “B’s” body recognizing the grasses electromagnetic signature and person “A’s” body doesn’t. How then do we get person “A’s” body to recognize grasses?

With a special patented instrument, we can reintroduce the signature frequency of grasses (not the actual grass itself), back into person “A’s” body in order for it to recognize them.

Once recognized, it can then differentiate whether it’s good or bad, harmful or non-harmful, and deal with it accordingly, allowing for healing and consequently alleviating its own suffering.

By reintroducing vibrational frequencies of various stressors into the body, the body is then able to identify the stressors and deal with each one accordingly. The body’s cells are then capable of adapting a more homeostatic or balanced state.

The purpose of BIE is not to raise the body's tolerance level to a given substance, nor does it alter the cell’s biological functioning in any way. It simply reintroduces the signatures of the stressors back to the body in order for it to be able to naturally adjust itself, by any means possible to function optimally.

A Person's Body is like a "Bucket With Holes"

Simply giving the patient an iron, B12 or vitamin C injection, or increasing their intrinsic factor won’t always resolve the patients issue of continually losing the iron, especially if the patient is actually intolerant to iron. Their body will continue to reject the iron as well as the other vitamins or minerals that are chelated to it.

A person’s body is similar to a bucket with holes in it. Water poured into the bucket represents the nutrients we ingest on a daily basis. How do we then maintain sufficient water level if the water leaks out of the holes as fast as you pour water in the bucket, do we then pour more water in at a faster rate in order to retain the water level? The obvious solution is to patch the holes in the bucket. In regard to the iron deficiency, due to iron intolerance…

BIE simply "patches the holes" per se by enabling a person’s body to recognize the nutrients (iron), and therefore, the patient should be able to retain normal iron levels.
Menu of Services to resolve common symptoms observed.